If you are experiencing issues while trying to pay for your tickets, please make sure that your internet connection works well and try using a different browser and/or a different device. For example, you can try switching from laptop to smartphone or vice versa.
Please also make sure that you use an online-enabled debit or credit card (VISA or Mastercard) that has sufficient funds and check that the 3D Secure parameters are correctly set, so that the card authentication can go smoothly. If you are using TWINT, check if the app is working correctly and make sure you have sufficient funds.
Alternatively, we suggest using another card. If the problem persists, we recommend that you contact your bank or your card issuer.
Please note that you will have a few minutes to re-attempt the payment and complete the purchase (a countdown will show on the screen). Once the time has expired, you can try to make a new purchase, but we cannot guarantee that the same tickets will still be available.
Your purchase is successful only if you receive an email from UEFA with a payment confirmation and a paid invoice.
UEFA shall not be held responsible for any problem that fans may encounter with their bank while proceeding with the payment of the tickets.